A Return to College—Broadcast Journalism | Phoenix

In my late twenties, I focused my attention on a love of media and a newfound curiosity of American politics. I moved west to Arizona and found immediate success—academically and professionally in television broadcasting. Within weeks of beginning my fall semester at Arizona State University, I secured a paid internship at the PBS affiliate in Phoenix as an associate producer. Working daily at the studio offered a wide range of television broadcast opportunities. I often appeared on-camera as a host during many of the live PBS pledge drives. I graduated summa cum laude with a degree in broadcast journalism from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. Directly after graduation, I was promoted to producer. It was gratifying to see my goals being achieved in rapid succession.


Channel 8 & Cronkite School of Journalism

While producing was my main vocation, spokesperson opportunities followed many television appearances. Eventually other hosting and acting prospects became available. Independent movie projects, corporate video production, and commercials in California became part of my creative pursuits throughout subsequent years.

Old Main

Old Main at ASU

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