A Return Home, a New Life… & Kids | Phoenix & San Diego

returnhome1Back in the States, distance became Danny and my new reality as daily intense closeness gave way to living miles apart. The close friendship we uncovered in Madrid had morphed into a long-distance romance back on our home turf. Two weekends into our return, Danny landed in Phoenix for the first of many weekend visits. With flights at the time next to empty because of most people’s understandable fear of climbing aboard any domestic flight, Danny got streamlined service and delivery to the Southwest every Friday on the airline of the same name. We had become a couple. We knew we were on a path toward engagement and marriage. Nine months later, a desert wedding at the Royal Palms became our reality and ten months after that our first son, Ian, was born after a move to our new home in San Diego. Two years later, our second son, Nico, made his debut. Our family grew quickly; my life in broadcasting was in my rearview. Self-prescribed writing projects became an obsession in between infant feedings and toddler playdates. A few years following Nico, Constantine blessed us with his birth.












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