The Restaurant Biz | Chicago & New York City

Seeking professional growth in a new industry, I transitioned to restaurant management in Chicago and New York City, welcoming new business challenges and opportunities. Before managerial positions, I first learned the industry from the bottom up, working as a hostess, server, bartender, and wine captain. I found most fun, working for an upscale steakhouse in the financial district in Manhattan. While I loved fine dining and enjoyed a pleasurable and lucrative handful of years in the restaurant capital of the world, I knew I had a story to tell. Life in NYC for a twenty-something was nothing short of exciting, but there were challenges, too. Writing became a conduit to release personal struggles. Putting pen to paper and fingers to keyboard became cathartic as written self-expression morphed into a desire to tell more stories. Writing also released a gnawing urge to finish a college education left incomplete, until then.


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